Vintage 2-Channel Japanese audio separates
for highest fidelity of the original recorded performance
Monday to Saturday 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM, by Appointment

Plus more popular trusted brands of mainly retro Japanese hi-fi separates; from the golden era of high-fidelity-sound where quality and reliability were the only objective... The only way to play it!
Everyone loves music, it's probably the only luxury most people say that they just can't do without... Bring your hi-fi system back to life - Service, Part-exchange, or convert them back to instant cash!
Repair is normally the first option and often less costly than replacement, if available; for equipment that only comes close to the same standard. Buy classic hi-fi separates that were built to last and for superior sound quality... Impressive doesn't have to mean expensive.
10% on-the-spot cash discount on sales off our already low prices to all students (NUS ID card required). Email, WhatsApp, Text, or Call us even outside normal business hours for the very best trade-in deals, plus our legendary Sales & Service Guarantee... Phone or text is always better for a quick response.
Exclusively classic, two-channels, full size, Separates
A complete system of average audio separates during the early 1980s would have been a sizeable investment after the purchase of a home, and could have cost as much as a small car; so when it comes to your music, hi-fi equipment deserves the same care and attention to always be performance ready.
To eliminate damage in transit we do not receive or ship goods via commercial couriers; we believe classic hi-fi are delicate and must be demonstrated at leisure, then always handed over in person when collected.
However, we are not a walk-in workshop and do not have a display showroom, simply because of limited space, therefore all items for sale and browsing can be viewed online.
Hi-Fi Wanted In Nottingham... Servicing, demonstrations, and our no obligation pre-repair inspections are available by arranged appointments booked with at least one day notice, because we sometimes do get busy.
BUY - SELL - SERVICE or TRADE-IN and Save! £25.00 minimum part-exchange, for each working full-size Japanese hi-fi separate that you bring in (except AM/FM tuners)
Hi-Fi Separates For Better Sound Quality... Collection Only